Golden Bear Alchemy

keen awareness and gentle healing for the highest good

You are ever welcome here

In a world that often moves at an unrelenting pace, finding a sanctuary of healing becomes paramount to our well-being. I invite you on a transformative journey, guiding you to rediscover the lost art of finding solace within yourself.


you are a sovereign being

Across the ages, women have danced to the rhythm of their own hearts, embodying strength, resilience, and grace. Now, more than ever, women are reclaiming their birthright, liberating their souls, and igniting the essence of their feminine power. Reclaiming feminine sovereignty is about rediscovering the ancient wisdom buried deep within our bones. It is about unraveling the layers of conditioning and allowing the true radiance of the divine feminine to shine forth.

I offer spiritual and energetic healing in several modalities. Here you’ll find Akashic Record readings, tarot readings, therapeutic photography sessions, plant medicine, and vibrational medicine. Welcome to the sisterhood, your medicine is so needed.


In-person and remote options

Photo sessions take place in the wild spaces in the blue ridge mountains. Record readings are done virtually.



hand-drawn armchair icon

Akashic Record


Alchemy Sessions

hand-drawn simplified needles in back acupuncture icon

Tarot Readings


Meet Shannon


feral + feminine

Portrait of handsome young smiling therapist holding smartphone and looking at camera.

wildfire woman


“Shannon helped me understand myself on a deeper level. She put me in touch with my spirit team in a visceral way and gave me tools to continue this journey. ”


Read more below on the blog


Golden Bear Alchemy is a supportive space and service for those seeking to deepen their relationship with self. I offer Akashic Record readings, trauma informed therapeutic photography sessions, and I also make medicine.

Welcome to Golden Bear Alchemy

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Join me in this sacred experience